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What is an Instructable?

An Instructable is a DIY (Do It Yourself) project that you publish on In your instructable, you include details pictures, steps, videos, etc to help someone recreate what you made. Sometimes, you can be lucky enough to get your instructable featured! If your instructable is extraordinary, it may be included in a daily email to Instructable Users. 


There are also always several contests running on the website at a time.  The contests have prizes that are sponsored for by various companies. An example of a contest could be "Outdoor Furniture". In that contest, you would create an insturctable that goes with the theme, and wait for the deadline. You can usually submitt as many entries as you want. During the contest, you can vote on your favorite insturctables. Once the deadline comes, you have three more days to vote. Then, the instructables panel of judges and select users (I am one of them) judge the insturctables. After a couple of days, the entries with the highest vote count and judge score are finalists and are gaurenteed a winning spot. Then judges judge for another couple of days. Then winners are anounced and winners recieve their prizes.

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